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Data collection in support of the Endocrine Disruption (ED) assessment for non-target vertebrates

Funder: European Food Safety Authority
Duration: February 2019 - February 2020


Name Telephone Email Office
Dr Sibylle Ermler Dr Sibylle Ermler
Lecturer in Biosciences (Endocrinology and Metabolism)
E: sibylle.ermler@brunel.ac.uk
sibylle.ermler@brunel.ac.uk Heinz Wolff 001
Mr Martin Scholze Mr Martin Scholze
Research Fellow
E: martin.scholze@brunel.ac.uk
martin.scholze@brunel.ac.uk Heinz Wolff 001
Dr Alice Baynes Dr Alice Baynes
Divisional Lead / Senior Lecturer in Environmental Sciences
T: +44 (0)1895 267096
E: alice.baynes@brunel.ac.uk
+44 (0)1895 267096 alice.baynes@brunel.ac.uk Heinz Wolff 001D


Martin, O., Ermler, S., Baynes, A. and Mcphie, J. (2020) 'Data collection in support of the Endocrine Disruption (ED) assessment for nonโ€target vertebrates'. Place of publication: European Food Standard Authority. Available at: . ISSN: 2397-8325
